Workshops for the first step into employment

– Orientation for the knowledge-intensive industry – among the content learned:

Organizational structure and authorities, requirements and organizational behavior, time management and planning in order to fulfill tasks and produce the required output, upward communication (managers and mechanism) and horizontal communication (colleagues), networking, creating a support network.

– Cultural issues in the modern employment world – among the content learned:

Cultural differences: traditional, academic, and the culture of the modern work world, transition between cultures, norms and cultural values. Acquaintance with the modern employment world and its demands.

– Principles for success – among the content learned: Proactivity, assertiveness, communication with the other, Networking – establishing a circle of support, creating effective interpersonal communication,

Increasing personal motivation.

– Dealing effectively with conflicts, failures, problem-solving, and ongoing problems,

Types of barriers and ways of dealing with them.

– Effective exposure to the world of knowledge-intensive industry – Within this framework, a visit to a company or a meeting with people from the industry are possible.

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